The DTG-01 Desktop Digital Geiger Counters are NIST calibration ready. Useful for detecting and accurately measuring radioactivity.
The DTG-01 Desktop Geiger counter has an external wand probe that houses a LND 712 Geiger Mueller tube. The external wand makes it easier to test and measure radioactivity in materials.
This Geiger counter's applications are:
Education - Classroom demonstrations and nuclear experiments;
Emergency Services and Domestic Preparedness for nuclear accidents.
Compliance Verification and Radiation Screening for wastes and other materials.
The DTG-01 nuclear radiation detection monitor detects the following types of radiation: Alpha radiation above 3 MeV, Beta above 50 KeV, X-Rays and Gamma above 7 KeV. The LND 712 Geiger Mueller (GM) Tube detector is Ne + Halogen filled; has a .38 effective diameter and a 1.5-2.0 mg/cm2 mica end window.
The Liquid Crystal Display is a 16 character by 2 line that provides an easy to read digital output. Switch selection allows DTG-01 Geiger Counter to measure and convert radiation (counts per second) into in mR/hr or mSv/hr. Time selection switch allows Counts Per Second (CPS) or Counts Per Minute (CPM) mode.
Factory calibration using NIST Traceable radiation source to insure an accurate meter measurement. NIST calibration performed by independent laboratory that conforms to ANSI-STD N323A regulations 10-CFR-34, 10-CFR-35 are available at additional costs through the manufacturer. Serial Data Output Jack: Outputs Serial Data. Pulse outputs a TTL logic pulse for each radioactive particle detected. The serial output is the counts per second sent via USB cable (not included) to our Windows PC Geiger Counter Free Graphing program for charting and recording the measured radiation over time is downloadable from our website. Secondary indicators; audio (clicks) and visual (LED) included. Also includes a headphone jack.