iceberg lettuce seeds

200 seeds

All seeds in my shop are from my organic garden here in Greece.
Seeds comes to you in handmade bags.

iceberg will grow in either sun or partial shade. However, it doesn't take hot locations very well. In most climates, this vegetable will grow best in the early spring or fall.
A soil pH of between 6.0-7.0 is best for growing iceberg. Lettuce doesn't grow well in alkaline soils. Mix in compost and well-rotted manure several weeks before planting.
Prepare your iceberg garden bed by digging in fertilizer with the soil, one week prior to planting.
Plant iceberg year round if you're in a temperate climate. Cooler seasons are best when growing iceberg. In warmer gardening climates, plant in part shade. Lettuce seems happiest at under 75 degrees (and can tolerate temperatures into the 40's).
Plant the seed directly into your prepared garden bed. Make your rows 1 foot apart, and cover the seed with a very thin (1/4") layer of light garden (or seed starting) soil. Keep the soil moist.
Once the plants have reached a height of 3” tall, thin them. Overcrowding stunts this vegetable's growth. Use the thinned plants as tender and tasty accents to your next salad!
Also, keep this vegetable's bed weed free. Mulching around the lettuce plants will help keep the weeds at bay.Plus, mulch helps to keep the roots cool.
When growing iceberg, it is best to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. During hot dry spells, extra watering may be needed. iceberg will not do well in dry soils. Do not allow the soil to dry out when growing lettuce.

Plant: all year
crop: spring-winter


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All seeds in my shop are from my organic garden here in Greece.

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* Germination rate depends on the country and the weather circumstances.