Digital file only 

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MILO MANARA - LES FEMMES DE MANARA 1995 - Parfum de l'invisible

Original illustration used as the cover - digital reproduction


Chinese ink, colored ink and graphite

Size: 74.9 x 51 cm (29 x 20 in.)

Original size at 102 dpi


Once the payment is made, we will contact to you to send you the file. 
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For the most visually impressive end results, we recommend using high-quality, thick paper (80lb / 220g or heavier) for printing. 
Thanks for choosing us.

Para obtener los resultados finales visualmente mas impresionantes, recomendamos utilizar papel grueso de alta calidad (80 lb / 220 g o mas pesado) para imprimir. 
Gracias por elegirnos