Christmas Red fingertip cross stitch towel

100% cotton 

made by Charles Craft

overall towel size is prox 11 wide x 18"h with fringe when opened up fully

EZ-Stitch 14ct stitching area is  prox 9.5" wide x 2.5" high

Item will ship within 2-3 business days from receipt of Paypal payment

Actual retail price is $ 4.00 - our discounted price is $ 2.00

Ships via USPS - First Class Mail or Priority Mail


We Combine Shipping on Items - We ship Internationally (USD)

Shipping charges: We approve all orders and add the appropriate shipping charges on your order before your final checkout and payment via paypal. We want to ensure that you get fair and reasonable prices for shipping. We felt this extra step was necessary as the shopping cart would tend to overcalculate shipping on multiple item orders. We want your shopping experience with us to be a good one.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and check out our other listings for sale in our booth.

Thanks for Visiting and Shopping at Crazy Annie's Stitchin' & Stuff