This DVD set includes the beloved movie Labyrinth, starring David Bowie, along with a bonus Changes CD. The movie follows a young girl on a magical adventure through a labyrinth to rescue her baby brother. The DVD is formatted for Region 1 (US, Canada) and is in the NTSC video format, with English language and a PG rating for family-friendly viewing.

The DVD comes in a tall/DVD case, making it easy to store with your collection. The Changes CD includes some of Bowie's most popular songs. A great addition to any movie or music lover's collection!

Both are included, ships USPS Media Mail within one business day.

Light wear on the cases, one small barely visible crack on the Changes case.

Minor wear on the CD, the DVD is in Near Mint condition.

The CD is from 1990, 33 years old!

(Bin Location Cab)