25 Echinacea Magnus Magenta ( Echinacea purpurea ) Coneflower Seeds
DescriptionEchinacea Magnus Magenta Coneflower is a Perennial in some zones with Giant 4- to 6-inch across bloom Echinacea Magnus Magenta Coneflower Perennial - vibrant carmine-rose shade . Enormous flowers up to 6" across bloom , rose-purple blooms sturdy stems are flat and do not droop. . Plants are very hardy and grow into sturdy clumps.. Growing Magnus from seeds Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 1.95 feet (60.0 cm) and sow at a depth of around 0.0 inches (0.01 cm). Soil temperature should be kept higher than 25°C / 77°F to ensure good germination.