Embrace your faith and fill your home with joyful melodies with this good condition disc-only collection of 4 Latter-day Saints video songs CDs! This treasure trove of uplifting hymns and inspiring contemporary tunes is perfect for individual reflection, family gatherings, or church activities.
What awaits in this musical tapestry of faith?
- 4 CDs packed with beloved Latter-day Saints songs: Each disc features a selection of popular hymns, Primary favorites, and heartwarming contemporary tracks, ensuring something for every age and preference.
- Sing along to familiar classics: Belt out cherished tunes like "Come, Come Ye Saints," "How Firm a Foundation," and "I Stand All Amazed," strengthening your connection to your faith through timeless melodies.
- Discover faith-filled contemporary treasures: Immerse yourself in uplifting original songs that celebrate the joy of gospel principles, inspire personal reflection, and ignite a vibrant celebration of your beliefs.
- Good condition, ready to play: While the cases may be missing, the discs show minimal wear and play flawlessly, delivering every note of musical inspiration and spiritual nourishment.
Click "Buy Now" and let your faith take flight through music! These CDs are your go-to companions for personal devotions, family activities, church events, or simply uplifting your mood with positive messages and beautiful melodies.