Published by Esquire, this marvelous little magazine is full of wonderful ORIGINAL writers, articles, fiction, profiles of the great, the famous and the infamous, and many photography and art features! [EXCLUSIVE More Magazines detailed contents description, BELOW!)

Issue Date: February, 1960; Vol. 47, No.4, Whole No. 279
Featured in THIS issue: This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Musical Family on Wheels (NELSON AND NEAL, Harry Lee Neal and wife Allison, America's most unusual two piano team) ... TEXT BY RICHARD KAPLAN, PHOTOGRAPHS BY BENJAMIN SPIEGEL. [Fasscinating -- Many pages of photos, with text, with the whole family and at concerts!]
She Teaches the Stars To Dance ... TEXT BY MARK NICHOLS, PHOTOGRAPHS BY LARRY FRIED. ("Vivacious, imp-faced THELMA "Tad" TADLOCK, 28, earns over $25,00 a year doing what she loves most: dancing.") [NICE article, with many full pages of photos of her dancing with Johnny Carson, Milton Berle, Arthur Murray, Vincent Price, and others, and her at home! ]

Lincoln's Most Embarrassing Moment ... C. J. BARMANN.
How Bright Lights Reduce Crime ... DON MURRAY.
Has Germany Forgotten ANNE FRANK? ... OTTO FRANK, as told to N. C. Belth. The father of the girl whose diary stirred the world demands to know why the Germans don't tell their children the truth about Hitler. [Fascinating article!]
"I'm Tender About Gender" ... JO HUBBARD CHAMBERLIN.
Africa's Angry Young Man (TOM MBOYA of KENYA) ... JEROME BAKST.
Nutria: Nature's Real-Life "Shmoo" ... S. FICHTER.
Overweight -- America's Needless Killer ... RALPH BASS.
They Cheated Atomic Death ... ROBERT DALEY.
He Hunts the Paper Fakers (MARTIN TYTELL) ... LASSOR A. BLUMENTHAL.
Fifteen Seconds of Terror (The attempt on FDR) ... BOB CROSSLAND.
Marvelous Malaprop of the Golden Gate ... DICK NOLAN. JIM McSHEEHY Could make has out of any metaphor.
The Curious Courtship of Captain Conrad ... L. LEWIS.
The Taming of the Shrewd ... ALJEAN MELTSIR. ("Movie struck at 6, moon-struck at 16, NATALIE WOOD is a top cinema star at 21. Since becoming Mrs. Robert Wagner she is learning to be a woman, too.") [NICE 5-page in-depth article, with full page COLOR photo!]
"Magic Milk" -- New Foe of Disease ... DICK BRUNER.
America's Most Controversial Cop ... AL STUMP.
The Sub That Committed Suicide ... N. & M. CARLISLE.
A New Style in Masculinity (Tenderness) ... JEROME AND JULIA RAINER.
World's Sauciest Newspaper ... JAMES H. WINCHESTER. Great Britain's "News of the World".
Remember the What? ... KEITH ELLIOTT. (The Alamo, in Texas)
The "Impossible" School of Copper Valley, Alaska ... T. C. MCFADDEN.
They Called It Justice ... WILL BERNARD.
SPECIAL BOOK FEATURE: Seven Books That Shook Our Lives. Illustrations by John Groth. [Excerpts from famous books, with FULL page color paintings (EACH) by John Groth]

Dear Reader. The Farmer's Daughter ... ENTERTAINMENT.
Grin and Share It ... HUMOR.
River Roundup ... A CORONET QUICK QUIZ.
Merry Mixups ... HUMOR.
Human Comedy ... HUMOR.
Coronet Family Shopper.
Coronet Shopping Guide.
Coronet School and College Directory.
This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. MOST are original articles. This wonderful little magazine is guaranteed to be a gratifying read. (Or we'll buy it back!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly!
This DIGEST (approx. 6"X9") sized magazine is COMPLETE and in GOOD condition. (See photo)