Title: The Collector's Encyclopedia of Fiesta: Plus Harlequin, Riviera, and Kitchen Kraft, 7th Revised & Updated Edition

Authors: Sharon and Bob Huxford
Publisher: Collector Books, a division of Schroeder Publishing Co., Inc.
Year: 1992
Edition: 7th Revised & Updated Edition
Format: Hardcover
Condition: Good (as seen in photos)

Description: Discover the vibrant world of Fiesta, Harlequin, Riviera, and Kitchen Kraft with "The Collector's Encyclopedia of Fiesta." Authored by Sharon and Bob Huxford, this 7th Revised & Updated Edition, published by Collector Books in 1992, is a comprehensive guide for enthusiasts and collectors alike. The book explores the rich history, designs, and variations of these iconic dinnerware lines.


This edition provides a wealth of information for collectors of Fiesta and related dinnerware. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of vintage ceramics, this encyclopedia serves as a valuable resource. The Huxfords, renowned authorities in the field, offer insights into the history, identification, and value of these beloved collectibles.

Condition: The book is in good condition, as depicted in the accompanying photos. Please refer to the images to assess the physical condition of the hardcover, pages, and any additional features.

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