Title: Transforming the Faiths of Our Fathers: Women Who Changed American Religion

Author: Ann Braude Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Year of Publication: 2004 Format: Hardcover with Dust Jacket (HCDJ)

Description: Explore the impactful stories of women who played a pivotal role in shaping American religion with "Transforming the Faiths of Our Fathers" by Ann Braude. Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2004, this edition comes in hardcover with a dust jacket (HCDJ). The book is in good condition, though it bears some marks, as visible in the accompanying photos.


  • Author: Ann Braude
  • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Year of Publication: 2004
  • Hardcover with Dust Jacket (HCDJ)
  • A compelling exploration of women who influenced American religion

Condition: The book is in good condition overall. Please note that there are some marks on the book, as depicted in the provided photos.

Shipping: Rest assured that the item will be securely packaged and promptly shipped to ensure its safe delivery to your location.

Note to Buyers: Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need additional information about the book. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase.