THE MOST ADVANCED AND POWERFI; "FREEZING DARKNESS" and it is meant to assist one with that which is "stagnant, stuck or frozen" within one's life!
Albina says that ACTIONS POTENT Magick can improve and alter many areas of life for the better! This is possible because this AMAZING form of Magick creates "FROZEN" energies THAT DIRECT stale energies AND FORZEN ENERGIES THAT DO NOT MOVE TO LOCK, HATLT AND DISSIPATE THE ATTACKS, DECEIT AND MALICIOUS ACTIONS OF OTHERS.
By halting greater flows of energies that assist movement, progress, and action this will STOP the energies that allow those who men to attack or deceive one to become blocked and FROZEN!!! Albina says that one may actually "feel" the cold chill of the energies as the Magick begins to shape and halt negative patterns and stale energies for the better within and around one!
This form of Magick will draw in the POTENT energies to help in a great many areas of life including:
*Creates blocks and obstacles, bother mental and physical for those attempting to ceate chaos or deceit
Halt movement and advancement for those meaning to create issues for one
* Warming strained relations as well as those around one by freezing the actions of those who mean harm
*Freezing and creating stagnation and large blocks of energies to stop lies, manipulation and malicious actions
*Freezes those who block success and confidence in oneself therefore restoreing a great level of inner power by eliminating chaos built by those now frozen
Albina says that this is just a few areas and instances in which this powerful Magick can alter one's life dramatically for the better by allowing the FREEZE to eliminate those who misuse their own energy to be directed towards oe in a harmful manner. She notes that if there is a "problem or stress" not listed here, chances are GREAT that this form of Magick will assist in "freezing whatever it is that vexes thee" as well!!