The Basis and Essentials of German was first published in 1933, revised in 1935, and again in 1945.
Those editions were many times reprinted.
The main object of the book was and still is this: to provide a minimal statement of German grammar, which, when supplemented by carefully chosen essential vocabulary, would enable whoever assimilated this limited material to deal with those requirements of everyday life which recur most frequently.
Advances in the new science of linguistics, especially since the end of the Second World War, are a factor in the need for a new and more fully revised edition of this book.
Besides, many more English- speaking people now visit the German-speaking countries, and obviously their special needs would have to be taken into consideration, which means the addition of a number of special words to the 'Essential Vocabulary'.
It was with these objectives in mind that the revision was under- taken. The whole vocabulary has been revised, improved, and enlarged.
As for the grammar in Part I of the book, this has been left almost as it was, apart from corrections and a few amendments. In favour of retaining the original streamlined statement of grammar on orthodox lines is the simple fact that no better method of presenting the most frequently recurring complexities of German grammar has yet been devised.
It is still the most economical, possibly the most logical, and certainly the easiest to master. Instead of adding immediately unnecessary lists of exceptions to rules, the most important exceptions are noted under the relevant word in the Vocabulary at the end of the book.
They can be learnt piecemeal as they are met, or at some later stage-after the fundamental principles have been assimilated.