Choosing a Life Style...Sex, Abortion and Pornography.
The Christian and Society A glance at some of these chapter headings will show That Harold Lindsell's book is typical treatise in ethics with tedious lists of do's and dots. This handbook on practical Christian living pages into the maelstrom of contemporary behavior and finds bedrock on the principles of God's Word. Is there a difference between private and social ethics?
Where does a Christian's responsibility begin and end in a secular society?
Are war, divorce, homosexuality, pornography, and abortion irreversible facts which the Christian should ignore, condemn, or live with?
These are the gutsy issues which Christians too often evade because there are no easy answers.
Lindsell attacks the problems head-on but avoids trite solutions.
This book is for the one who is serious about his struggle against the world, the flesh, and the devil.-