New Zealand Christmas Tree {Metrosideros tomentosa} Exotic Tropical  | Showy Blooms | Evergreen | Sacred Tree | 10 seeds Free Shipping! 


A coastal, evergreen tree that produces a brilliant display of red flowers made up of a mass of stamens.  The Maori people revered it for its strength and beauty and it has regard by all people of New Zealand. 

The Pohutukawa is a native of the coastal fringe of the North Island of New Zealand north of a line from New Plymouth to Gisborne. It once formed a continuous coastal fringe forest but agriculture and introduced pests have reduced it to 10 per cent of its former grandeur and the tree is considered ‘threatened’. 

This tree grows up to 25 metres (80 ft) with a dome-like spreading crown, beautifully textured leaves and flowers from November to January in the Southern Hemisphere. 




To germinate Metrosideros tomentosa seeds, sow them in spring in a warm greenhouse and only just cover the seed. When they are large enough to handle,prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in the greenhouse for at least their first winter. 


These Seeds Are More Like hair wisps and Very Small!!!