1896 antique 26th BEZIRKS TURN FEST syracuse ny German GYMNASTIC photo ad SPORTS
Not sure which is the better part of this hardcover book, cloth over board, 4-5/8"x7.5". Undated, c.1896. 116 pages.
There are amazing graphics advertisements from Syracuse New York and vicinity, as well as photos and details of the Gymnastic men/group. There are also photo prints of local attractions such as Syracuse University, Salt Works, etc.
Here is a sampling of the ads:
Chas Mebold Provisions (photo of meats)
John Single Paper Co.
Syracuse Chilled Plow Co.
William Jennings Saloon and Pool Room, Dolgeville
Arthur Kindler Bartholomay Brewing Company
Adolph Wegner, architect builder
Crystal Spring Brewing Co.
Adolph Keil
F. Sibus, Merchant Tailor
Otta Volkman, Saloon and Restaurant
C. H. Koenig's Brewery
Schuch's Hotel, auburn
Wm. S. Orr, Toilet
Anton V. Altman, Merchant Taylor
McCarthy & Co. Dry Goods General Merchandise
First National Bank of Syracuse
Kieffer Brothers Stoves and Hardware
Bartels Brewing Co, lager, ales, porter
Central New York Pottery, utica ny
Klink Bros Coal Wood
Charles Listman's Ice
Fleischmann's Yeast
George Zett, Bavarian Lager Beer Brewery
Alfred Dolge musical instrument autoharp
C. A. Reeve & Co. paints oils varnishes brushesQuinlan Church and house decorations
Robert Gere Bank
Wm. D. Oertel, Jeweler and Optician
La Rosa Cigar Factory
Wm. Muench Pharmacy
Rambler Bicycles
Humbert & Sons
William W. Woese, wall paper
George Bausch, optician
Zinsmeister Shoes
Hessler, Hardware and Stoves
Traugott, furniture upholstery
Mertens, Yann & Garnett, clothing
Seiter's, hats
Sterns Bicycle
Dey Brothers, Dry Goods
...and more!
This listing is for the 26tes Bezirks- Turn Fest. West New York Turn Bezirk. Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse: Syracuse Union.
Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.