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The film opens with a brief reprise of the great battle between Gandalf the Gray and Balrog, the monster made of fire and smoke, and is faithful to the ancient tradition of movie serials by showing us that victory is snatched from certain death, as Gandalf extinguishes the creature and becomes in the process Gandalf the White.

To compress the story in a few sentences, the enemy is Saruman (Christopher Lee), who commands a vast army of Uruk-Hai warriors in the battle of Helms Deep, assaulting the fortress of Theoden. Aragorn, with Legolas and Gimli the Dwarf, joins bravely in the fray, but the real heroes are the computer effects, which create the castle, landscape, armies, and most of the action.

Frodo, the nominal hero, spends much of his time peering over and around things, watching others decide his fate, and occasionally gazing significantly on the Ring. Sam is his loyal sidekick on the sidelines, Merry and Pippin spend a climactic stretch of the movie riding in Treebeards branch's and looking goggle-eyed at everything, like children being carried on their father's shoulders.

The Fellowship of the first movie has been divided into three during this one, and most of the action centers on Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), who operates within the tradition of Viking swordsmen and medieval knights.