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This listing is for the original hardcover, cloth overboard book shown. Measures approx 7-5/8"x 5" x 1" thick, with 180 pages. Has 5 color plates. 2nd edition.

History and Antiquities of New Haven, Conn., from its earliest settlement to the present time with biographical sketches. By John Barber. New Haven, CT: L.S. Punderson and J.W. Barber, 1856.


Alarm in New Haven . . 168 
Alms House 40 
Andross, Gov. visit to N. H. 104 
Andross, letter cone. Goff . 101 
Arnold, B., advertisement . 118 
Arnold, estate confiscated . 139 
Anthracite Coal first used . 59 
Ashmun's monument . . 145 
Ashmun, Funeral of . . 146 
Austin, David, notice of 142, 152 
Augur's Statue, Jeptha, &c. 161 
Attention to Strangers . . 43 
Asylum, Orphan .... 42 
Bacon, Rev. Dr., Hist. Disc. 23 
Baptist Churches ... 31 
Banks 55 
Beacon at East Haven . . 133 
Berkley, Dean, donation of 15 
Blue Laws of Connecticut 8^. 
Books given to Yale Coll. . 13 
British seamen captured . 169 

Cabinet, Mineral, and Geolog. 17 
Campbell, Adjutant, killed . 122 
Campbell's Grave . . . 131 
Capture of the Susan, &c. . 170 
Catholic Churches ... 31 
Canal, Farmington ... 48 
Carriages and Wagons . . 60 
Cemeteries 33 
Centennial Celebration, . 154 
Chapel Street, plan of . . 172 
Cheever, Ezekiel, notice of . 162 
Churches. — Center Ch., 24 — Chapel-st., 27 — College st., 27 — Episcopal, Prot., 28— Howe-st., 27— North Church, 26 — South Cong., 28 — Third Cong., 26 — White Haven, 25 — Wooster Place, 28 — Baptist Churches, 31 — Catholic Churches, 31 — Methodist Episcopal, 29 — Churches in Westville, 32— Do. Fair Haven, Universalist Ch., 32 — Jewish Congregation, 32 
Connecticut Hall .... 16 
Conn. Academy of Arts and Sciences 50 

Columbian Register extracts 168 
Chronological Table . . 175 
City, growth of ... . 63 
Clap, Pres., Insc. on Monument 147 
Cornstalk juice distilled . 139 
Coal, Anthracite, first intro. 59 
Cotton Manufactory . . 58 
Criminals, branded, cropped 111 
Cutter, U. S., Eagle, captured 170 
Common Schools .... 52 
County House and Jail . 39 
Cornwallis' surrender, rejoicing, &c 138 
College [Yale] Founding of, 
11 — First Commencement 
of. Library of, removed to 
New Haven, 13— Name of, George III. proclaimed king 110 
15_College Buttery and Government, Civil and Reli- 

Butler, 20— Faculty of, 21 gious, formation of . . 70 
—Medical College, 21— Goff, Gen., notice of . . 92 
Bill of fare, 18. Goff, anecdotes of, 97, 98— 
Letter to his wife, 94 — ap- 
Davenport, Rev. J. . . . 89 pearance at Hadley, sup- 
Davenport, lines on, . . . 163 posed to be an angel, 99 — 
Davenport, James, irregulari- jjjg journal, 91— Concealties of 85 j^pjjj at Hartford, 101 — 
Deserters, British ... 169 Monument, supposed, 100. 
Delaware, lands purchased 73 Governor's Guard march to 
Deaths in New Haven, . . 174 Boston 120 
Dixwell, Colonel, notice of . 103 Grammar School, Hopkins' 51 
Dixwell, ancient monument 106 Greenwich purchased . . 73 
Dixwell, view of new do. . 108 Greenwich, misdemeanors at 84 
Doolittle, Amos, notice of . 157 Guilford, General Court at . 12 
Dutch, trouble with ... 74 
Dutch apply for assistance . 75 Hadley, Gen. Goff at . . 99 
Dwight, Timothy, notice of 148 Hardy, Commodore, notice of 25 
Dyke across W. meadow . 44 Hillhouse, James, notice of . 152 

Hopkins, Gov., notice of 51,163 

Eagle. U. S. cutter, capture of 170 
Eaton, Gov., notice of . , 90 Horticultural Society . . 56 

Hospital, State .... 41 
Earl, portrait painter . . 157 Houses of Public Worship . 23 
Engraving, first, in L. H. . 157 Humphreys. Col. David, no- 
Farmington Canal ... 48 tice of, view of monument, 
First School House ... 51 inscription, 149 
First Newspaper .... 109 , ^ . . . p. 
„. _ , PC Indians, Qumnipiacs . . d5 
Fire Department .... 55 ^ ,. __.,, __ 
Indian Hill dd 
Fire, destructive. Long Wharf 141 , , _o 
Indian executed .... 78 
Fort on Prospect Hill . . 1d9 , , . -» 
in Indian marks or Signatures W 
Freshmen ot i ale College . 19 ^ , , . . __ .^ 
Inhabitants of New Haven 
from 1639 to 1645 . . 76 
Fulton Steamboat . . . 171 inhabitants of N. H., 1748 . 88 

Gas Company 60 Ingersoll, notice of . . . 118 
Gorges, Sir F., lines on Da- Ingersoll, resignation of office 
venport 164 of Stamp Master, &o. . 114 

Invasion of New Haven 
Institute, Young Men's 

Judges (Regicides) history of 91 
Judges, anecdotes of, 97 — Dexterity of, 98 — Cave oh W. Rock, 96 — Signatures (fac simile), 91. 
Jones, Gov., notice of . . 146 

Kingsley, Prof , notice of . 173 

La Fayette, visit to N. Haven 143 
Laws for Freshmen ... 19 
Laws, New Haven Code . 82 
Lancasterian School ... 52 
Lamberton, plot against . 75 
Lawrence and Ludlow, bodies of, pass through N. H. . 168 
Lexington, action at . . . 158 
Lexington, engraving of . 158 
Libraries, Public .... 54 
Library, Yale Coll., removed 13 
Long Wharf 44 

Manufactories, &c. ... 57 
Map, oldest of, New Havtn 87 
Markets, Public .... 41 
Mecom,B,, Printer, &c. . 113 
Methodist Episcopal Churches 29 
Medical College .... 21 
Meeting-House, seating of, in 
Mineralogical and Geol. Cab, 17 
Mulberry Orchards ... 61 
Morse, Jedediah, notice of . 151 

Names of First Settlers . 76 
Names of persons killed in the invasion of New Haven . 125 
N. Haven City, 9 — Population 64 
New Haven, Ancient Hist, of 65 
New Haven, Invasion of . 121 
New Haven, Deaths in . . 174 
New Township .... 64 
Newspaper, first, in N. H. . 109 
Newspapers and Periodicals, List of, published in N. H. 166 
Newspapers in New Haven 10 
Newspaper Extracts previous to the Revolution . . . 109 
Newspaper Extracts during the Revolution .... 132 
Newspaper Extracts during the War of 1812 ... 168 

Orphan Asylum 

Paintings in Trumbull Gallery 160 
Paper captured by the enemy 171 
Paper Mills 58 
Paupers (Town) advertised 112 
Pavements of side walks . 50 
Pavilion 62 
Peace Rejoicing in 1783 . 140 
Peters' History of Connecticut 82 
Peters' Credibility as Historian 83 
Powder, manufacture of . 61 
Privateer New Broom . . 137 
Prospect Hill Fort ... 169 
Public Houses 61 
Powder, manufacture of . . 61 
Public Square 171 

Rail Roads 49 
Records of N. H., curious . 80 
Regicides, History of . . 91 
Rocks, West and East . . 62 

Seating of first Meeting House Schools, common, 52 — Eaton, 53— Select Boarding, 53— Webster, 53— First Lancasterlan, 52 — Grammar, 51 — Public Schools, Free, location, 53. 
State House 36 
Steam Boat, first from N. Y. 47 
Seamen, British, captured . 169 
Sabbath day Houses ... 33 
Seven Pillars, constituted, &c. 7 1 
Students, number of . . . 22 
Stiles, Pres,, inaguration of 135 
Stiles, Pres., notice of . . 147 
Sherman, Roger, notice of . 151 
Stamp Act repealed . . . 120 
Ship seen in the air . . . 79 
Southold, L. I., purchased 73 
Sabbath, first in N. Haven 66 
Stoves, when introduced . 60 
Signaturess of Generals 
Whalleyand Col. Dixwell 91 
Slaves advertised for sale . Ill 
Settlers in New Haven, list of, from 1639 to 1645 . 76 
Strangers, attention to . . 43 
Square, Public 37 
Town Paupers advertised . 112 
Tomlinson's Bridge ... 46 
Theatrical Entert'ments, <fec. 136 
Treaty with Momaugium . 68 
Trumbull, Dr., historian, on Prospect Hill .... 
Trumbull Gallery .... 
Trumbull Gallery, view of . 
Trumbull, John, hist, painter 
Tryon's official account of invasion of New Haven 
Tryon's Proclamation . . 
Turnpikes, &c 45 
Union of N. Haven with Con. United Society .... 
Volunteers' work on fortifications on Prospect Hill 
Webster, Noah, notice of . 150 
Webster, Noah, view of his monument 150 
Webster, Noah, fac-simile of hand writing .... 151 
West Haven, incursion at . 138 
Whitney, Eli, notice of . , 153 
Wharf, Long 44 
Whalley, Gen,, notice of . 93 
Whalley,monum'nt (suppos'd) 102 
Whitefield, George, visits N. H. 85 
Wooster Square .... 39 
Yale College 11 
Yale, Elihu, notice of . . 14 
York Square .... 39 

Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.

CONDITION:  Complete and intact. Hardcover, outer spine covered in black tape. See description and photos.

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