Several cultures and religions use the ancient practice of smudging to remove negative energy from a space, purification, and to cleanse the soul of negativity. Be it sage, frankincense, or incense, the smoke is washed over the person. There are four elements involved: the shell (representing water; the sacred plants (sage, tobacco, sweetgrass or cedar); fire (lighting the plants); and smoke from lighting the plants.

This unique fan is made from a large crab claw, purple feathers, and a single peacock feather. Black frill trim with gold embellishment finishes this beautiful feather fan. The crab claw is odourless, and has been sanitized, and sprayed with an acrylic finish. It was gathered from a Vancouver Island beach. The crab claw is regarded as a strong protective amulet.

*8 inches long (feathers to tip of crab claw) and approximately 1.5 inches wide*