Young Living Nutmeg (5 ml) - New - Free Shipping
<span style="color: rgb(15, 15, 15); font-family: Sohne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "noto="" sans",="" sans-serif,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" "apple="" color="" emoji",="" "segoe="" ui="" symbol",="" emoji";="" font-size:="" 16px;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;"="">Nutmeg essential oil emits a comforting, spicy fragrance that invigorates and uplifts the senses. When ingested, it carries antioxidants, potentially aiding cognitive functions and bolstering the immune system while possessing cleansing attributes.