Explore the magical world of Shannara with the Jerle Shannara Complete Set by Terry Brooks. This hardcover book, with a dust jacket and 1st edition, will take you on a thrilling adventure filled with fantasy and magic. The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara is a series that includes Ilse Witch, Antrax, and Morgawr, each book with 464 pages that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Experience an epic journey with the Jerle Shannara Complete Set, suitable for adults who love fiction, fantasy, and adventure. The novel by Terry Brooks is published by Random House Publishing Group and is in English. This book is 9.6 inches in length, 1.8 inches in height, and 6.7 inches in width, weighing 31 oz. Grab a copy of this amazing book, which is perfect for bookworms who want to escape reality and immerse themselves in a world of magic and wonder.