This is a 50X COVEN CAST spell Albina calls "The Golden Sphinx", a spell derived from SACRED Ancient Graeco-Roman Egyptian Magickal spells called "Papyri" by scholars and secretly passed down and guarded for generations. As Albina says, this spell is derived from sacred scrolls of the Magickal Papyri. These writings were known to come from highly guarded spiritual secrets and the ancestors of High Ritual Magick. This potent Magick is highly detailed and specialized and it combines the Magickal wisdom of Greek and Egyptian Magick. This SPECIAL form of Magick will grant the bearer the answers to "mysteries", Protection and Shielding!! Including:
*a "great shield" of energies that protect and guard one from negative energies and individuals
*"Divine" order and success drawn from the energies of the Sun
* Advanced Mental skills and "answers" to "unanswered" questions and "mysteries" within one's life
** High Protection and "safe keeping" of relationships and those one loves!!
*Albina says that as one's energies are "enhanced by the Ancient energies to harness the powers of the Sun" by this potent form of Ancient Magick, one will draw in with an immense power all of these amazing forms of Protection, Success and Higher knowledge." One will also "understand the power and True magick of the Greek and Egyptian people that led them to riches, Advanced Knowledge and Higher Powers!"
In closing, Albina wanted me to suggest that the one who claims this bracelet "should once again not allow others to wear or carry this piece". Thank you and BLESSINGS to Albina for ALL of her amazing time and energy!!!
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