The shaligram Shila radiate maximum energy and also to absorb maximum negativity from the house, workplace or surroundings of the devotee. shaligram shila brings immense protection, good relations, virtuous children, and provides extreme protection against thefts and accidents to the devotee. His works are consummated without any obstacles. The Shaligram mala worship by man, woman and child of any age. This powerful shila brings extreme protection, immense peace and prosperity to worshipper.
Saligram Silas found at Damodara Kund are very precious and significant. These silas are considered to be the direct Lord Vishnu Himself and the person who worships, wears or even keeps these auspicious in the house or bathes the Salagram.
If the Saligram Shila and Tulsi is touching the body of the dying person, he may survive or go directly to Vaikuntha the eternal abode of Lord Vishnu. That person also becomes free from all sin and all disease. The person, who worships saligram with Tulsi leaf daily, gets the boon of million Yajna also.