Up for sale is this articulated teddy bear produced by Linda Speigel. His name is Mr. Growlworthy and he is number 60 of a limited edition of 85. Measures about 15" tall. He is in good, solid condition with no holes or repairs that I can see. I did note some light spots on the bottom of his feet. Nice bear overall. As always, thank you for your interest. Good luck, and happy buying!

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Return Policy:

  • Items I offer for sale are generally antique or vintage merchandise. They may have normal/typical wear consistent with age. Any significant damage such as chips, cracks, etc. will be mentioned in the item description above. I will try to clean items to the best of my ability, with the exception of those that could be damaged or devalued.
  • If for some reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, return the item and I will refund 100% of the purchase price (excluding shipping). I cannot though, be held responsible for any damage incurred to any package post delivery.

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