The source of physical health and mental vitality of the human body is produced during sleep. In Feng Shui, the position of the bed in the bedroom is very important, put the Seven Stars Array in the bedroom, the crystal exercises and aura of the Seven Stars Array can dispel evil energy and enhance the vitality in the bedroom, and later you can put the Seven Stars Array on the bedside table or dresser.

Placing a seven-star array in your office can help you improve your intelligence and focus on your work. Placing the seven stars on your desk can improve your fortune and make things go more smoothly. It also protects against villains, which can make the person more sleek and outgoing. This leads to increased work capacity and improved financial luck.

The Seven Star Array can boost wealth and luck, ward off evil spirits, and suppress houses. So many people will put it at home, and the Seven Star Array in the living room, which is beautiful and generous, can improve the fortune of Feng Shui at home. It is also very particular to put it in the living room, it should be placed in the position of wealth in the living room, and the "lucky charm" that opens under the seven-star array can make it achieve the best effect.

1. White crystal: The function is to calm the house, ward off evil spirits, eliminate negative energy, and enhance spirituality.

2. Amethyst: The role is to develop intelligence and enhance wisdom.

3. Citrine: The role is to replace one's own wealth and increase wealth.

4. Pink Crystal: Boost your popularity and create marriage


Important: Seven Star Array is a physical delivery with logistics information. We need to customize it specifically for you and cast spells for you before shipping so that you can alter the magnetic field and let the energy work to its fullest. Therefore, once sold, it will not be returned or exchanged, please consider carefully!! The delivery time will be a few days late, so please be patient. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, I will answer you in detail!!