Title: Nabisco Cream of Wheat Advertising Art: A Collector's Showcase Library Publication Author: David Stivers Copyright: Nabisco Brands, Inc., 1986 Condition: Very Good (Please See Photos)

Description: "Nabisco Cream of Wheat Advertising Art" by David Stivers is a collector's showcase library publication that provides insights into the advertising art associated with Cream of Wheat. Published in 1986 and copyrighted by Nabisco Brands, Inc., this book is in very good condition, as clearly depicted in the accompanying photographs.

This hardcover book titled "Nabisco Cream of Wheat Art CB" is a first edition published in 1986 by Collector's Showcase. 

The book features the Nabisco brand and illustrations by Dave Stivers, making it a must-have for collectors of artwork and design. 

The book is in vintage condition, with no inscriptions or personalization. The book belongs to the genre of design and falls under the topic of graphic arts, commercial, and corporate. The book is written in English and features non-fiction narrative type. It is an excellent addition to any book lover's collection, and the historical book series makes it even more valuable.

Condition: This book is in very good condition, with the interior pages clean and well-preserved, and the binding remaining sturdy. However, there are two 3-inch scratches on the front cover, which are visible in the attached photographs.

Photographs: Please carefully review the attached photographs to evaluate the condition of "Nabisco Cream of Wheat Advertising Art."

Acquire this collector's showcase publication to enhance your collection of advertising art-related literature. With its very good condition, it offers valuable insights into the Cream of Wheat advertising art, making it an attractive addition for enthusiasts and collectors.