Title: Hipshot: One-Handed, Auto-Focus Photographs by a Master Photographer Publisher: Aperture Foundation, Incorporated Year: 1988 Condition: Good (as can be seen in the photos) Description: "Hipshot: One-Handed, Auto-Focus Photographs by a Master Photographer" is a captivating book that showcases the work of a master photographer known for their unique and distinctive style. Published by the Aperture Foundation, Incorporated in 1988, this book offers a collection of photographs that have been expertly captured and presented in a way that highlights the artistry of the photographer. Key Features:
For photography enthusiasts, art lovers, or those interested in exploring the work of a master photographer, "Hipshot" offers a visually compelling journey. If you have any questions or need additional information about this book, please feel free to inquire. Immerse yourself in the world of captivating photography with "Hipshot." |