Title: Hipshot: One-Handed, Auto-Focus Photographs by a Master Photographer

Publisher: Aperture Foundation, Incorporated

Year: 1988

Condition: Good (as can be seen in the photos)


"Hipshot: One-Handed, Auto-Focus Photographs by a Master Photographer" is a captivating book that showcases the work of a master photographer known for their unique and distinctive style. Published by the Aperture Foundation, Incorporated in 1988, this book offers a collection of photographs that have been expertly captured and presented in a way that highlights the artistry of the photographer.

Key Features:

  • Unique Style: The photographer's one-handed, auto-focus approach to photography sets this book apart. The images in "Hipshot" are a testament to the photographer's mastery of their craft and their ability to capture moments that resonate with viewers.

  • 1988 Edition: This edition of the book is from 1988, and it is in good condition. The provided photos in the listing allow you to see the book's overall state.

  • Visual Artistry: If you appreciate photography as an art form, "Hipshot" will provide you with a unique perspective and a showcase of talent. The book allows readers to dive into the world of a master photographer.

  • Good Condition: The book is well-preserved and ready for you to explore the stunning photographs it contains. Its condition aligns with its value as an art book. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.

For photography enthusiasts, art lovers, or those interested in exploring the work of a master photographer, "Hipshot" offers a visually compelling journey. If you have any questions or need additional information about this book, please feel free to inquire. Immerse yourself in the world of captivating photography with "Hipshot."