20 Pc Seeds Asclepias Sullivantii Plant, Prairie Milkweed Seeds for Planting
Asclepias sullivantii, also known as Prairie Milkweed. This wonderful asclepias is similar to common milkweed, but it is less aggressive and works great in a garden. This milkweed is listed as threatened in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, so this would be a great butterfly garden plant for any of those states. Asclepias in general are documented nectar sources for the Monarch, Orange-edged Roadside-Skipper, Dina Yellow, Carus Skipper, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, and Falcate Metalmark butterflies. It is also the nectar source for the Clarks sphinx, and Milkweed Tussock moths. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9.