- Bring the deer to you with Fatal Attraction deer attractants and cover scents
- Attract bucks faster to your stand with our natural attractants.
- Fatal Attraction Natural Vanillin has the preferred smell and taste deer crave.
- Vanilla is a deer's "ice cream" and they can't resist
- Fatal Attraction is the ONLY Realtree licensed deer attractants and cover scents brand so you know it's good
- Use natural vanillin lightly to cover your scent and bring the deer close
- Fatal Attraction Great Scrape enhancer is a mixture of PURE and NATURAL buck and doe urine meant to get territorial bucks in motion
- Fatal Attraction Great Scrape lures deer for all parts of the season.
- Perfect for making mock scrapes or to create a bedding area for does
- The Great Scrape uses natural urine collected from real deer in PA. It is tested to ensure it is CWD free and it has the DPP seal allowing its use in ALL fifty states
- Fatal Attraction Peak Doe Estrus is PURE and NATURAL doe urine collected at the peak heat cycle from 500 does in HEAT. It is not diluted.
- All Peak Doe Estrus urine is tested by independent labs to ensure it has the highest concentration of extrus hormone (pheromone). Peak Doe Estrus tells the big bucks that the doe is ready to mate and it drives them crazy
- A doe is only in heat for an average of 21 days. During that timeframe, the amount of estrogen she produces increases, peaks and then decreases.
- Peak Doe Estrus is certified to contain 30 picograms per mL of estrogen. This has been proven the perfect concentration to attracting bucks. A picogram is one-trillionth of a gram.
- Our deer farm scientists monitor, study and review each doe’s cycle to know when she is going into heat and they harvest from there.