Great Seven T-shirt or top for women! The size is small, black, rock department seven 7 USA on the front with Lions and guitars with the stars. The bodice portion of the shirt is very soft and feels vintage, 100% cotton. There are a few deodorant marks on the shirt where it was tried on in a department store, will come clean when laundered.

I am not affiliated with any of the brands that I sell, all items are purchased at retail, sample, or department store sales. I do all the leg work and all my buyers get the discounts! All items are guaranteed authentic! All questions need to be asked before you make an offer. ABSOLUTELY NO questions will be answered of the item after the item has ended because this slows the shipping process. Please read the item description as this is your responsibility.

I try to ship items out within 2 business days. Payment is due with 7 days. All items are typically shipped Priority Mail or 1st Class mail unless it is heavy in which Parcel post will be used or UPS. There is no negotiation on U.S. or International Shipping & Handling charges as the price is the actual shipping cost configured; international shipping is expensive as all items are sent Express or Priority mail; the amount is typically the cost of the shipping materials & shipment.