🧿Brand Booty Max
🧿Type Bum Enhancing
🧿Volume 100ml
🧿Formulation Gel
🧿Directions To be used once per day for 30 days to see results
🧿Country/Region of Manufacture United Kingdom
🧿EAN 000657559159
• ‘It worked for me and I can't say much more! Use it and see.' - Peggy L. (38),
Taunton - UK
• ‘I Googled it first to see what all the talk was about. I read up on others' stories
of their results and so I decided that I'd give it a go. It arrived very quickly
but I started using it 2 days later as I still wasn't sure. It works, it works,
it works! That's it for me.’ - Pip (22), UK
• ‘I tried the gel as I wanted to see if it really worked rather than being one of
those that really needed it. Believe it or not I was OK before but just wondered.
I'm very happy I did coz I can now recommend it to my friends wholeheartedly. You've
got to keep applying it for a month or so before you see results but you will see
results unless you stop eating at the same time!’ - Maria (41), North London
- UK
• ‘Thanks guys! I will keep using this gel for as long as I live! I want to be 95
years old and still have a fit backside! lol. My friend recommended this treatment
after she used it herself with much success. I gave it a try and I've gotta say,
my booty rocks now! It didn't make it 10 times bigger or anything silly like that,
but it gave it a boost that made a difference.' - Nicola (19), UK
In our poll, 88% of people said that they saw good results during the course
of treatment.