Up for sale BACCHARIS HALIMIFOLIA - Groundsel tree, 1-2 year old plant, Bare root
shipped bare root, roots wrapped in wet media and plastic.
Plant is about 12-15 inches tall.
Widely used common names include eastern baccharis, groundsel bush, sea myrtle, and saltbush, with consumption weed, cotton-seed tree, groundsel tree, menguilie, and silverling also used more locally. In most of its range, where no other species of the genus occur, this plant is often simply called baccharis.
accharis halimifolia is a fall-flowering deciduous or evergreen shrub commonly found in wetlands on the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains of the eastern United States from Texas and Florida northward to Massachusetts, inland to the District of Columbia and Pennsylvania. The species is also occurs in Mexico, the West Indies, and southernmost Nova Scotia in Canada.
I prefer to ship on Mondays or Tuesdays. Sent secured in the box, with tracking number within USA