10 Cups Aged cow manure is one of the best organic soil amendments for use in landscapes and containers. But finding dried aged cow manure can be difficult. Most cow manures are stinky and full of hay bedding with lots of weed seeds. Or it is composted which kill beneficial microbes which is important to your soil or important if you are making compost tea. We do not compost our aged cow manure.

Our dried aged cow manure is collected from our barns away from the hay feeders and is only the natural pasture grass that has been processed by the cows (just cow poo). No Chemicals, No Pesticides. It is dried naturally and then we grind it to a size that looks more like peat moss. It is almost odor free... just a slight pleasant earthy odor. Add to your potting mixes, use in your vegetable garden or landscape, or for brewing compost tea.

Can not ship to New York State.