White coal is the first choice in acute diarrhea of ​​any cause. It stops diarrhea (diarrhea) very quickly and relieves symptoms (abdominal pain / cramps, bloating).

PACKAGING: 10 capsules

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: Tablets should be taken with a glass of water between two food intakes, preferably one hour or less before the next meal.

Is applied:

    In case of diarrhea and stomach disorders, it very quickly coats and removes harmful substances from the intestines, allowing extremely fast stopping
    acute diarrhea of ​​any origin
    It is used in acute intestinal infections (bacterial and viral), as well as in helminthiasis (diseases caused by intestinal worm infection).
    Because it removes harmful substances from the gut extremely quickly, it is suitable for food poisoning of various origins (including mushrooms and alcohol).
    Reduces the burden on organs that play a role in the detoxification of the body and helps with liver disease (including hepatitis A and B) and kidney disease
    It improves the body's immune status and is recommended for dermatoses and allergies
    Improves the body's lipid status - low cholesterol, triglyceride and total lipid levels

WHITE COAL® belongs to the latest generation of enterosorbents (substances acting in the digestive system by the mechanism of binding of harmful substances to its surface - adsorbents, or by being drawn into the structure, eg into pores - absorbents).

WHITE COAL® is an adsorbent.

    Thanks to nanotechnology, we got smooth, round sized particles
    7 to 10 nanometers, which, with the help of electrostatic forces, coat the harmful substances and expel them from the body

    The smaller the enterosorbent particles, the larger the surface by which harmful substances can bind (eg WHITE COAL® has 10,000 times smaller particle size than activated carbon)

    Thanks to the tiny particles,
WHITE COAL® guarantees an extremely active adsorption surface of 400m2 / g, which is up to 200 times larger adsorption surface than other similar preparations
WHITE COAL Contains Highly Disperse Silica


Silica has a high sorption capacity (the amount of a substance that a sorbent can absorb / adsorb per unit of its mass).

It acts by the mechanism of adsorption, binds and eliminates from the body:

    Toxins coming from the environment (including harmful products of pathogenic microorganisms, food and bacterial allergens, chemical substances)
    Toxic products that form in the body (in the process of protein breakdown in the gut)
    Excess digestive juices, gastric acid, gases in the intestines

Contributes to the transport of substances from the blood and lymph into the gastrointestinal tract and the elimination of various toxic products such as:

    Alkaloids, glycosides, heavy metal salts, phospho-organic and chloro-organic components, barbiturates, ethyl alcohol and products of its metabolism
    Biologically active substances associated with allergic and inflammatory processes (prostaglandins, serotonin, histamine)
    Produces protein metabolism (urea, creatinine, residual nitrogen) and lipid metabolism
WHITE COAL Contains microcrystalline cellulose


These are dietary fibers isolated from vegetable fibers, which in their characteristics are similar to natural cellulose, which is an integral part of natural nutrients.

Microcrystalline cellulose in the human body works in two ways:

    Adsorption: Binds heavy metals, free radicals, various degradation products and germs to its surface and eliminates them from the body. It also binds excess digestive juices and hydrochloric acid in the stomach and bile acids, bilirubin, cholesterol in the intestines, thus reducing the aggressive action of the digestive juices and bile.
    Mechanical action: mechanically cleans the mucous membrane in the small intestine leading to improved digestion and absorption of nutrients. Following the application of microcrystalline cellulose, complete absorption and secondary digestion of food, medicines, vegetables and fruits occurs.
Adults 3-4 tablets daily, children from 7 years 3-4 tablets daily, children from 5-6 years 3 tablets, children from 3-4 years 2 tablets, not for children under 3 years