American tea effectively reduces the pressure that causes hemorrhoids, reduces tension in the region, which favors the formation of a softer stool and facilitates bowel emptying, has a beneficial effect on the cessation of pain, itching and burning. Symptoms disappear after only one day of use. American Tea - Already after the third glass gives first results it reduces pain, itching and burning! Amer tea is recommended at: chronic inflammation of the hemorrhoids in the phase of pain and bleeding, chronic prostate inflammation, frequent and difficult urination (characteristic of the elderly), sand, silt, sediment and small stones in the kidneys,
Method of preparation: Pour the contents of one bag with 150-200 ml of cold water, heat to boiling, boil for 2 minutes and after 5-10 minutes;
Directions for use: Drink freshly prepared, warm drink, unsweetened. In the presence of these problems, a pack of 40 teaspoons of tea should be tested in 12 days, namely: on the first day, drink 5 cups of tea at one hour intervals, for the next ten days drink 3 cups of tea also at intervals of one hour, on the twelfth day repeat the procedure from day one (5 cups of tea at intervals of one hour). Safety precautions: Tea should not be drunk by people with kidney stones larger than 4mm (unable to pass through the urinary tract). The Amer Tea stone pushes it out rather than melting it, which can cause discomfort and pain. Store in a dry place. Ingredients: The pack contains 40 bags of tea. 1 sachet contains 5 grams of American red broth (Amaranthus blitoides) * standardized on 4% betaine. The recommended daily intake has not been determined. Amer Tea - 40 bags - 200g It is recommended for chronic inflammation of the hemorrhoids in the phase of pain and bleeding. In the presence of these problems, a pack of 40 teaspoons of tea should be tested in 12 days, namely: on the first day, drink 5 cups of tea at one hour intervals, for the next ten days drink 3 cups of tea also at intervals of one hour, on the twelfth day repeat the procedure from day one (5 cups of tea at intervals of one hour). Directions for use: Drink freshly prepared, warm drink, unsweetened. Amer Tea - 15 bags - 75g Recommended for acute inflammation of the hemorrhoids. In the event of these problems, use a 15-pack (seven-pack) bag within seven days as follows: on the first day, drink 5 cups of tea at one hour intervals, on the second day, repeat the therapy of the previous one; on the seventh day, use the remaining 5 cups of tea in the same way. |