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Product description: This is a terrific book for the adult piano student progressing slowly, step by step, into a higher level of music study. This book could also be used as a method book for an older beginner. Contents: Music: 1.Glover: Hymn etude by Glover 2.Glover: Evening star 3.Glover: The silver bell 4.Glover: Prayer No. 1 5.Glover: Prayer No. 2 6.Glover: Leprechaun parade 7.Glover: Organ echoes 8.Beethoven: Andante from symphony 9.Glover: The coronation 10.Glover: Rootin’ tootin’ cowboy 11.Turk: The palace at Williamsburg 12.Gurlitt: The trumpeter 13.Kohler: Evening song 14.Glover: Hymn tune 15.Glover: A major etude 16.Glover: Minot etudes 17.Glover: Oasis 18.Saint-Saens: Bacchanale 19.Glover: Minka 20.Bach: Bourree 21.Glover: Minor etudes 22.Glover: Twinkle, twinkle, little star 23.Schubert: Ballet music 24.Schubert: Valse noble 25.Rimsky-Korsakov: Sheherazde 26.Glover: The princess dances 27.Streabbog: Through the Alps 28.Tchaikovsky: Theme 29.LeCouppey: Musette Topics Covered: 1.Circle of keys 2.Damper pedal 3.technic studies 4.Rhythm 5.Triplets 6.Triplet pattern technic studies 7.Coda 8.Major triads 9.Chord inversions 10.Binary form 11.Leger lines and spaces 12.Phrasing and pedaling Major, minor, parallel scales 13.Triads 14.Intervals