Journey alongside the daring crew of the Corporation as they navigate a maze of treachery and deceit to reclaim a stolen relic of immeasurable value – the Golden Buddha. Clive Cussler, the master of adventure, introduces readers to a new series, set against the backdrop of international espionage and shadowy syndicates.
The Corporation Emerges: Meet the crew of the Corporation, an elite group of mercenaries who operate in the shadows, serving justice on their own terms.
A Relic Reclaimed: At the heart of the story is the stolen statue of the Golden Buddha, which once had witnessed the promise of freedom for Tibet from the Chinese.
Pan-Asian Adventure: From the glitzy casinos of Macau to the rugged landscapes of Tibet, Cussler takes readers on a rollercoaster ride across Asia.
Political Intrigue and Power Play: Beyond just the hunt for the Buddha, the tale unravels the sinister plans of a Chinese general with ambitions that could upset the global balance of power.
In "Golden Buddha," the Corporation's first job is to reclaim the stolen statue, which becomes a symbol of freedom and hope for a nation. But they soon realize that they are up against more than just thieves. A ruthless Chinese general sees the Buddha as a key to unlocking his dreams of empire, and he'll stop at nothing to get it.
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Dive into a world where history, politics, and high-octane action converge. Clive Cussler's "Golden Buddha" is a riveting tale of valor, treachery, and the relentless pursuit of justice.