Brand new paperback! Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The Missional Life is not another book looking to give you a new program or model. It is a book with a biblical message aimed at one greater To encourage the body of Christ to live the mission of Christ. “I like the idea of living life ‘on mission.’ It reminds me that I am not to get too comfortable or feel too at home while I live on this earth. One profound truth about being a sent one is that there is usually a clear reason for being sent…a purpose. What strikes me about The Missional Life, written by my friend Joe Waresak, is the challenge to live life intentionally, according to the deepest purpose in life, which is the glory of God.” Dr. Jeffrey A. Gill, Dean-School of Ministry Studies of Grace Theological Seminary “The sensitive, personal, and timely manner in which Joe calls men to action is obviously a gift from God. Joe and his family show genuine concern for people and are constantly involved in the lives of others. Our family and ministry have been blessed and impacted by Joe’s passion and drive to see the Word of God change lives and ultimately the church – permanently.” Bart Allen, Missionary to the tribal people of Papua New Guinea Joe Waresak is the founder and director of Seek First Ministries, a ministry dedicated to seeing the love of Christ lived out in our homes and communities. He has over a decade of leadership experience in both the business and non-profit sectors. In addition, he has a B.S. in Secondary Education and a Master of Ministry from Grace Theological Seminary. He is married to Sherry and they have four children—Tyler, Danielle, Matthew, and Zachary. Visit Seek First Ministries at