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Life Magazine March 5, 1945 The Pacific
Pg… 25 The Week's Events: Santo Tornas Is Delivered
Pg… 32 The Week's Events: Editorial: "Jobs for All"
Pg… 33 The Week's Events: Red Army Birthday Celebrated with Six–Foot Cake
Pg… 34 The Week's Events: Roosevelt Sees Arab Leaders in Middle East
Pg… 36 The Week's Events: Iwo Jima
Pg… 41 The Week's Events: The First Three Days, by Robert Sherrod
Pg… 49 The Week's Events: Dietrich at Front
Pg… 65 The Week's Events: Australian Drought
Pg… 53 Article: Denmark, by Hans Bendix
Pg… 96 Close–Up: F.D.R.'s Daughter, by John Chamberlain
Pg… 87 Photographic Essay: The House of Colonna
Pg… 68 Modern Living: Wrap–Arounds
Pg… 73 Science: Superglue
Pg… 76 Movie: "Fighting Lady"
Pg… 81 Sports: Alan Ford of Yale
Pg… 111 Army & Navy: "The Ballad of Rodger Young"
Pg… 2 Other Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 12 Other Departments: Speaking of Pictures: Eisenstaedt Catches Graceful Snow Patterns
Pg… 17 Other Departments: LIFE's Reports: Radio Luxembourg, by Robert Colwell
Pg… 118 Other Departments: LIFE Visits a Serious Glamour Girl
Pg… 122 Other Departments: Miscellany: Baby Gibbon Is Thriving
Life Magazine March 12, 1945 Lt. General Simpson of Ninth Army
Pg… 25 The Week's Events: Allies Drive for the Rhine
Pg… 30 The Week's Events: Editorials: U.S. Armed Might
Pg… 31 The Week's Events: Commander Stassen Confers with Governor Dewey
Pg… 32 The Week's Events: The Curfew Dims the Nightclubs
Pg… 34 The Week's Events: Marines Win Bloody, Barren Sands of Iwo
Pg… 38 The Week's Events: President Speaks
Pg… 41 Articles: Europe Wants Freedom from Shame, by G. A. Borgese
Pg… 96 Articles: The Atolls, by John Dos Passos
Pg… 90 Photographic Essay: "Ivan the Terrible" Is New Soviet Movie
Pg… 55 Movies: Actress Takes 12–1/2–Hour Bubble Bath
Pg… 59 Modern Living: Eisenhower Jacket Starts New Fad
Pg… 112 Modern Living: Sweden Has Model Apartments
Pg… 65 Animals: New York Enforces Humane Fox Trapping
Pg… 73 Science: Glass
Pg… 87 Radio: Crosby, Hope & Sinatra Do Radio "Dick Tracy"
Pg… 2 Other Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 12 Other Departments: Speaking of Pictures: England's Pillboxes Look Like Other Things
Pg… 17 Other Departments: LIFE's Reports: GI Crime in France, by Mary Welsh
Pg… 117 Other Departments: LIFE Goes Over the Stilwell Road
Pg… 122 Other Departments: Miscellany: Fun at the Dentist's
Life Magazine March 19, 1945 Dutch Girl Maria Huysman
Pg… 25 THE WEEK'S EVENTS The Germans Crumble in the West
Pg… 30 THE WEEK'S EVENTS Editorial: Chapultepec
Pg… 31 THE WEEK'S EVENTS Conference Delegates Attend Mexican Presidential Reception
Pg… 32 THE WEEK'S EVENTS New York Law Bans Job Discrimination
Pg… 34 THE WEEK'S EVENTS U.S. Fliers Bomb Berchtesgaden and Tokyo
Pg… 36 THE WEEK'S EVENTS Chinese Eggs Stand on End
Pg… 38 THE WEEK'S EVENTS Grable Baby Is 1 ……………………….
Pg… 70 THE WEEK'S EVENTS Brazilian Indians Attack Plane
Pg… 59 ARTICLE Ibn Saud's Voyage, by Ensign W. Barry McCarthy, USNR
Pg… 84 CLOSE–UP The Earl of Halifax, by John Chamberlain..
Pg… 75 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY Flooded Dutch Island
Pg… 41 SPORTS West Point Has Best Teams in U.S
Pg… 47 MODERN LIVING Dache Makes Surplus WAC Hats Chic
Pg… 51 ART Feliks Topolski Sketches the War
Pg… 66 NATURE Spring Wildflowers
Pg… 99 MOVIE "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
Pg… 2 OTHER DEPARTMENTS Letters to the Editors
Pg… 12 OTHER DEPARTMENTS Speaking of Pictures: Soldier Cartoonist Draws WAC Heroine
Pg… 17 OTHER DEPARTMENTS LIFE's Reports: Captured Book Gives Nazi View of U.S
Pg… 106 OTHER DEPARTMENTS LIFE Goes to a Military Ball
Pg… 110 OTHER DEPARTMENTS Miscellany: Admiral Halsey Goes Hunting : LIFE'S PICTURES Last November George Rodger went in with the British on the invasion of Walcheren Island. A few weeks ago he returned to photograph the aftermath of the battle there?the broken dikes, the sea–flooded farms (see pp. 75–83). His pictures take their place beside other unusual Rodger photographs such as those he took last March when Vesuvius erupted after the Americans had taken Naples, and the flight from Burma in 1942 over the road less Naga Hills (LIFE, Aug. 10, 1942). This year the route Rodger took has become famous as the Stilwell Road.
Life Magazine Life Magazine March 26, 1945 Ice Skater Carol Lynne by Mili
Pg… 25 The Week's Events: Paris Black Market Robs U. S. Army
Pg… 30 The Week's Events: Editorial: "Un–American Activities"
Pg… 31 The Week's Events: King George Presents Victoria Cross to War Hero
Pg… 32 The Week's Events: "Golden Gloves" Provide Slam–bang Boxing Pictures
Pg… 34 The Week's Events: B–29s Set Tokyo Afire
Pg… 36 The Week's Events: The Desert of Cologne
Pg… 41 The Week's Events: Battle of the Tanks
Pg… 77 Article: "Carrier War," by Lieut. Oliver Jensen, USNR
Pg… 47 Close–Up: Soprano's Progress, by Winthrop Sargeant
Pg… 59 Animals: Angora Rabbits Are Profitable
Pg… 63 Modern Living: Petticoat–Blouse
Pg… 69 Science: Research Makes Blood Raw Material for Medicine
Pg… 99 Nightclubs: Brussels Nightclub
Pg… 2 Other Departments: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 12 Other Departments: Speaking of Pictures: Californian Builds House in 34 Minutes
Pg… 17 Other Departments: LIFE's Reports: The Famous Iwo Flag–Raising
Pg… 106 Other Departments: LIFE Watches Carol Lynne Skate with Lights on Her Toes
Pg… 110 Other Departments: LIFE's Miscellany: Wacs Shiver in Paris