Replica of the original 1950s trade samples catalog for pre-fabricated buildings, "kit" gas / service stations. -- 12 pages, in new condition. Flex covers, cloth binding. -- Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2010. A delightful look at 6 prefab designs for "mid-century" style service stations, tied in with Standard Oil. Ideal catalog for collectors, designers, prop houses, set designers building restorers, miniaturists or dealers in architectural elements. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, flex covers, cloth spine perma-binding, a sturdy book. Overall good copy, informative resource. It would make a great gift for the fan in your life, even if that's you. Clean and Unmarked Text. Very Good condition. Text is in English. Reproduced in black and white, same as original. -- Defects: None found. **Some of the text is small, so it's a little hard to read. Modern, undated replica. -- NEW facsimile edition Location: from inventory, Austin Twin Wall Buildings 1954
Additional Details
Product description: Replica of the original 1950s trade samples catalog for pre-fabricated buildings, "kit" gas / service stations. -- 12 pages, in new condition. Flex covers, cloth binding. -- Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2010. A delightful look at 6 prefab designs for "mid-century" style service stations, tied in with Standard Oil. Ideal catalog for collectors, designers, prop houses, set designers building restorers, miniaturists or dealers in architectural elements. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, flex covers, cloth spine perma-binding, a sturdy book. Overall good copy, informative resource. It would make a great gift for the fan in your life, even if that's you. Clean and Unmarked Text. Very Good condition. Text is in English. Reproduced in black and white, same as original. -- Defects: None found. **Some of the text is small, so it's a little hard to read. Modern, undated replica. -- NEW facsimile edition Location: from inventory, Austin Twin Wall Buildings 1954
Item name: TRADE SAMPLE CATALOGUE: Austin Service Station Division Offers You All-Steel Porcelain Enamel Stations of Austin Twin-Wall Construction in a Complete Package! Materials in stock for a Number of Designs 1954 from Austin Company. Service Station Division, Standard Oil Company, Cleveland Ohio (REPLICA Samples catalogue, for pre-fabricated buildings, "kit" gas / service stations)