Modern replica of the original edition, not dated. Clean and Unmarked Text. History / Biographical. Soft Cover / Cloth Binding. Art History / Reference. Very Good / No Dust Jacket. 116 pages. Includes some supplemental pages at the end. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, slight wear to edges. Glossy card covers with cloth spine. Archival reprint / replica of original edition. Privately published. Overall good copy of this scarce title. Excellent read. A good book to enjoy and keep on hand. Or would make a great gift for the fan / reader in your life. TEXT IS ONLY IN LATIN. Limited edition, nos. 72, 73, 74 of 150 copies are available. Full Title: Clariss. pictoris et geometrae Alberti Dureri, de varietate figurarum et flexuris partium ac gestib. imaginum libri duo, qui priorib. de symmetria qoundam editis, nunc primum in latinum conversi accesserunt ürer, Albrecht 1471 to 1528 / Durer / Alemania Nuremberg. Clariss : pictoris Alberti Dureri de varietate figurarum et flexuris partium ac Gestib : imaginum libri Duo ... etc. Many b/w Illustrations. Drawing, perspective human figure. A Bound / Flex Cover / REPRINT: Alemania Nuremberg : Norinbergae : impensis viduae Durerianae, per Hieronymum Formschneyder 1534. Modern replica of the original edition, not dated. Clean and Unmarked Text. History / Biographical. Soft Cover / Cloth Binding. Art History / Reference. Very Good / No Dust Jacket. 116 pages. Includes some supplemental pages at the end. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, slight wear to edges. Glossy card covers with cloth spine. Archival reprint / replica of original edition. Privately published. Overall good copy of this scarce title. Excellent read. A good book to enjoy and keep on hand. Or would make a great gift for the fan / reader in your life. TEXT IS ONLY IN LATIN. Limited edition, nos. 72, 73, 74 of 150 copies are available. Full Title: Clariss. pictoris et geometrae Alberti Dureri, de varietate figurarum et flexuris partium ac gestib. imaginum libri duo, qui priorib. de symmetria qoundam editis, nunc primum in latinum conversi accesserunt Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Modern replica of the original edition, not dated. Clean and Unmarked Text. History / Biographical. Soft Cover / Cloth Binding. Art History / Reference. Very Good / No Dust Jacket. 116 pages. Includes some supplemental pages at the end. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, slight wear to edges. Glossy card covers with cloth spine. Archival reprint / replica of original edition. Privately published. Overall good copy of this scarce title. Excellent read. A good book to enjoy and keep on hand. Or would make a great gift for the fan / reader in your life. TEXT IS ONLY IN LATIN. Limited edition, nos. 72, 73, 74 of 150 copies are available. Full Title: Clariss. pictoris et geometrae Alberti Dureri, de varietate figurarum et flexuris partium ac gestib. imaginum libri duo, qui priorib. de symmetria qoundam editis, nunc primum in latinum conversi accesserunt