Hamilton Carharrt & Co.; Detroit Michigan Catalogue Title: 1900 Best made, Highest Grade, Hamilton Carhartt & Co. Clothing Catalogue Details about this publication: Replica of the original 1900 company trade samples catalog of mens work clothes. 46 pages, in new condition. Flex covers, cloth perma-binding. -- Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2012. A delightful look at specific type men's clothing in the in the early 20th century. Various styles shown as well as many details about production, quality processes used by the company and the factory buildings. This catalog shows clothing samples, examples that department stores, general stores and dealers would make their purchases from. Known as a "wholesale catalogue". Illustrated thru-out. Thoroughly engaging. Ideal catalog for history buffs, collectors, designers, restorers, or vintage clothing dealers. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, flex covers, cloth bound, a sturdy book. Overall good copy, informative resource. It would make a great gift for the fan in your life, even if that's you. Clean and Unmarked Text. Very Good condition. Text is in English. -- Reproduced in black, white and sepia colors as originally issued. -- Defects: **Some of the text is small, so it's a little hard to read. -- The original booklet was only 4.5 x 6 inches. So the text is small. -- Also our photos/scans are low resolution here at ebay, in person they're much clearer. Modern, undated replica. -- NEW facsimile edition
Additional Details
Product description: Hamilton Carharrt & Co.; Detroit Michigan Catalogue Title: 1900 Best made, Highest Grade, Hamilton Carhartt & Co. Clothing Catalogue Details about this publication: Replica of the original 1900 company trade samples catalog of mens work clothes. 46 pages, in new condition. Flex covers, cloth perma-binding. -- Replica/reprint published by Portable Trunk Publishers. (undated) Circa 2012. A delightful look at specific type men's clothing in the in the early 20th century. Various styles shown as well as many details about production, quality processes used by the company and the factory buildings. This catalog shows clothing samples, examples that department stores, general stores and dealers would make their purchases from. Known as a "wholesale catalogue". Illustrated thru-out. Thoroughly engaging. Ideal catalog for history buffs, collectors, designers, restorers, or vintage clothing dealers. Paper / Soft cover reprint edition in very good condition, flex covers, cloth bound, a sturdy book. Overall good copy, informative resource. It would make a great gift for the fan in your life, even if that's you. Clean and Unmarked Text. Very Good condition. Text is in English. -- Reproduced in black, white and sepia colors as originally issued. -- Defects: **Some of the text is small, so it's a little hard to read. -- The original booklet was only 4.5 x 6 inches. So the text is small. -- Also our photos/scans are low resolution here at ebay, in person they're much clearer. Modern, undated replica. -- NEW facsimile edition
Item name: 1900 Best made, Highest Grade, Hamilton Carhartt & Co. Detroit Michigan Clothing Catalogue (Replica of wholesale trade samples, mens and boys work clothes, marketing insights, many details about production, quality processes used by the company and the factory buildings, etc)