DISCERNING: TRUE SPIRITS AND EXTRAORDINARY PROPHETS An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12:28; 14:29-33; Ephesians 4:11; and 2 Corinthians 11-13 Booklet # 11 in series
By: Spiros Zodhiates
Copyright: 1979 Published by: American Mission to Greeks (AMG)
Vintage small paperback Christian booklet. Book is an exposition on 1 Corinthians 12:28; 14:29-33; Ephesians 4:11; and 2 Corinthians 11-13 in the Bible. Very good condition inside and out without any marks or blemishes. 25 pages.
My father passed a couple of years ago and I am posting some of his collection. He was a Southern Baptist minister for 65 years. If you are looking for a particular title, there is a decent chance I have it, even if it is not yet posted. I would be happy to look for you.
Perfect gift for the minister or vintage Christian literature collector!!! Your satisfaction is important to me. Any and all questions answered, and happy to send more pics / info etc. Please look at my feedback and buy with confidence. Please see my other listings for more great collectibles and books. Happy to discount shipping for multiple wins! |