This box includes a total of 250 pieces of a mix of watches and jewelry in 2” vending capsules. The jewelry is costume type jewelry of rings, necklaces, pendants, etc. Each box will have a total of 7 watches. Two of those watches will be like the one in the display card. You will also receive a display card for every order that is shown in the first picture. The other 5 watches will be random watches that we buy through close out companies, large lots of watches we get from some private sellers, and other sources. Some of the watches will be new like the Ryan’s World watch shown in the picture. Other watches will be pre owned vintage watches. The last couple of pictures in the listing are just some examples of watches that you might receive in this order. These are great in vending machines as it is great for repeat business as customers receive a watch and makes them want to try and get another watch. W5MPF