Title: Madeline, or a Daughter's Love, and Other Tales Author: T.S. Arthur Publisher: Henry F. Anners Philadelphia Publication Year: 1845 Condition: Fair Description: "Madeline, or a Daughter's Love, and Other Tales" by T.S. (Henry F. Anners) is a captivating literary work published in Philadelphia in 1845. This book is a fascinating glimpse into the literary and social landscape of the mid-19th century. Contents:
Condition Details:
For a more detailed assessment of the book's condition, please refer to the attached photographs. "Madeline, or a Daughter's Love, and Other Tales" is a literary treasure that offers insight into the values and interests of its time. Despite its signs of wear, this book represents an authentic piece of history that can be appreciated by collectors and those interested in the literature of the 19th century. Explore the tales within its pages and journey back in time to a different era, where stories like these captivated readers and shaped the cultural landscape of their day. |