Quality Parts and Accessories - FAST Shipping from Ohio
Usually at your door in 1-3 business days

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Qty. pricing available for bulk orders.
.240 Thick
7" Long X .2.5" Wide
OEM Genuine High Quality Emblem
High Quality ABS Factory Style ( Weather Resistant )
Forever Grip Double Sided Tape For Easy Installation
Made from Thick Quality Materials for a 100% Perfect Fit 


Vehicle Emblem and Badge Installation Instructions

Step 1

Removing old emblem or emblems can done neatly by using a heat gun on the lowest setting. Carefully pry the old emblem off using a putty scraper.

Step 2

Then clean the area where the emblem adhesive still remains. Use adhesive cleaner and a clean rag.

Step 3

Most important step is to use rubbing alcohol on a different rag to clean the remaining grease or dirt from the location. Allow it to air dry.

Step 4

Using a level or ruler to create a straight line parallel to the ground, marking the location of the emblem against desired surface or body lines. Use painter’s tape to make your guide lines.

Step 5

Prepare the emblem, making sure it's clean. Be sure to never touch the application adhesive on the back of the emblem after  Remove the backing tape from the adhesive.

Step 6

Hold the emblem just above the surface in the desired location, using the painter’s tape as a guide to keep the emblem level located properly.

Step 7

Stick the emblem on and hold it in place until the adhesive has had a chance to setup bond on the surface of the vehicle. This usually takes 10 seconds..

You will receive:
2 x emblems (as pictured & described)
FAST Shipping from Ohio
Usually at your door in 1-3 business days

We ship FAST