Title - "Mirage III"
Acrylic on wood with 8" round center mirror
24" x 24" x 1/2"
Weight is approximately under 4 lbs
Lacquer finish for shine & lasting protection
Ring Hook(s) for hanging will be included (you will require screws for the wall and a Phillips head screwdriver to hang in direction you choose)
Signed & dated by the Artist ...A.R.Tarpley
If you would like any colors to be omitted/added, please send me a note!
This interesting mirror is hand cut from wood. It features a 8" round center mirror. The mirror is surround by fans of color in blues, Aqua, green, lime pink, purples, red & yellow with black.
Makes for great wall art & a very cool mirror for any wall in your home. Perfect for hallway, bathroom, office or other! great gift too!
Sculpture will be shipped via FED EX Ground within 10-15 bus. days.