Relive the enchanting melodies of "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" with the original soundtrack CD that brings the heartwarming CBS Television Special to life. Immerse yourself in the classic tunes that have captured generations of fans:
1. Oh, Good Grief
2. Pebble Beach
3. Happiness Is
4. Schroeder
5. Charlie Brown Theme
6. Linus and Lucy
7. Blue Charlie Brown
8. Baseball Theme
9. Freda (With the Naturally Curly Hair)
10. Fly Me to the Moon
Experience the whimsical nostalgia of Charlie Brown's world through these iconic tracks. This soundtrack encapsulates the spirit of the beloved animated special, making it a must-have addition to any collection. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering the magic for the first time, this CD is a delightful journey into the world of Peanuts.
Fast shipping from a non-smoking home. Rediscover the joy of childhood with these timeless tunes. #CharlieBrown #SoundtrackCD #Nostalgia #Peanuts #FastShipping