The Jackhammer Massacre DVD *Buy and Get November FREE*
- Condition is Brand New as Seen in Pictures
- Shipped with USPS Media Mail
- The Jackhammer Massacre...
. Rated R
. Color / Run Time Approx. 89 Min.
. Special Features for The Jackhammer Massacre...
1. Full Screen
2. Optional Spanish Subtitles
3. Writer / Director Commentary with Cast
4. 2.0 Stereo
- November...
1. English Language
2. French Subtitles
3. Color / Approx. 78 Mins.
4. Rated R
. Special Features for November...
1. Technical "Making Of" Commentary with Director and Cinemotographer
2. Commentary with Director and Writer
3. A Conversation with Lew Baldwin, Composer / Visual Effects
4. Photo Galleries
5. Alternate Opening Sequence