This listing is for One Healthy Sized Curly Dock, Rumex crispus - Live Root Start.
Your Root will be at least 4" inches long and should look like a carrot on its side.
I wrap the root in moist paper towel and place it in a sealed bag.
Get yours while supplies last.
The docks, genus Rumex L., are in the buckwheat family Polygonaceae.
Dock is deemed a survival plant. A plant to know, especially during hard times. Native American tribes have considered yellow dock a panacea and survival food.
The seeds can be ground and added to ground cornmeal for porridge, also known as mush, or it can be added to a base of ground maize and herbs to make pinole ? a Mexican and Central American food or beverage, depending on the preparation.
The plant has been used since 500 B.C. and has many useful properties, most of which are based in the plant's roots. A poultice of the roots has been used to treat iron-deficiency anemia for centuries. It's also a blood purifier and liver decongestant because the poultice stimulates the liver to produce bile. It remedies constipation while strengthening the colon, was employed to treat syphilis, and the powered roots were used as a tooth powder.
Throughout Southern winters and into early spring, yellow dock leaves are an excellent sour-tasting wild green to add to salads, stews, or cooked like spinach. When eating them raw, the younger the leaf the better. The stems can be peeled and eaten raw or roasted.
When there is nothing else after a hard winter, there emerges the Dock's young, tasty, and nutritional leaves.
Dock is high in fiber and has more vitamin A in its leaves than an equal amount of carrots: 12,900 I.U. of Vitamin A for a 100 gram portion. This portion contains 2 grams of protein, 119 milligrams of vitamin C, and only 28 calories (Plantworks page 79).
When compared to spinach, dock has ... 1/3 more protein, iron, calcium, potassium, beta carotene and phosphorus. Plus, it has ... more than double the vitamin C (Steve Brill book p238). The roots provide the consumer with potassium, manganese, and a lot of iron.
Try this Great Dock Cracker Recipe FREE with this plant's seed order!
1 cup of dock seed flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup flour
Mix in enough water to make pliable, but not sticky dough.
On a well-floured surface, roll dough as thin as possible. Cut into desired shapes or transfer it whole to a well-oiled cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 -12 minutes at 375F or until crisp.
Enjoy these Fresh Dock Crackers with your favorite Cheese and you will be addicted to this plant for life.
Take control of your health today by promoting, growing, and eating these special wild survival foods.
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