Adopt from Fathertime: EAPG Heavy Deep Press Cut Clear Glass Nappy has Pin Wheels Stars Floral Leaves, Shields deep divided into four lobs. The Nappy is 6 inches plus 1.5 inch handle. Sorry, I can't give you a pattern or maker name
Condition: Vintage Used

Defects: One rough edge on bottom, I see an arrow scratched into bottom, Why I do not know
Comment: Hard thing to picture and show pattern, First three images are from top, last image is bottom side, reddishness is from image only not on Nappy

Control: 7335
Satisfaction: As with all Vintage items, Antique and Collectible, condition is a personnel subjective assessment. I do not sell new items, and you can not make a up close personnel evaluation so we offer a satisfaction guarantee. Please see Booth Details for Return Policy.